Friday, August 31, 2007

déjà vu

The term "déjà vu" (French for "already seen", also called paramnesia) describes the experience of feeling that one has witnessed or experienced a new situation previously...........this community is all about those unique things in life which we dnt realise....but we reely want to it happning only with me???......this community is all about the darker unexplored side of life......dreams....spirit calls.....ghosts....angels.....fairytales....
castles....astral bodies(The astral body refers to the concept of a subtle body which exists alongside the physical body, as a vehicle of the soul or consciousness)......grand mom's stories.....witches......a totally and purely psychic site.....Everyone who use to read the unsolved mysterious can come and share their unique experiences.....goose bumps......a community for the horror movie lovers.....ppl who belive in the hidden force surrounding the normal life!!!!

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